Your Dream is a Conspiracy Theory

When I was in the boarding house, I had a dream that I was in the middle of a witch’s coven and was surrounded by other witches. They were chanting stuff around me. It was the scariest thing I’d ever have as a child.

But what you don’t know is I watched “Koto Aiye” before I resumed that session. I was afraid to share with my friends so they wouldn’t think I was a witch.

I told my mom and sisters, it was my first deliverance session. Don’t ask me about it. It was a traumatic experience.

Welcome to Episode 4 of One Thing You Don’t Have To Know.

You know the purpose of this series is to get you learn something you don’t have to. You’d be okay and successful if you don’t know anything about dreaming or all these conspiracy stuff I’m whipping up in this short read.

Dreams are in different genres - thriller, drama, comedy, sci-fi and horror.

This is what I think:

Dreams are another proof that human beings dig storytelling because they are flashes of stories we imagine and tell ourselves in our sleep.

Did you know that everyone dreams for about 2 hours each night? That's standard statistics.
If you don't think this is true, you need tips on how to remember the dreams you have in your sleep. Sorry.

Of course, science can explain what happens in our body when we dream. We have dreams when we enter into both Non-REM and REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) but our brain is more active during the REM sleep and this is when most of those vivid dreams happen. Your brain is busy cooking up an utopia or a nightmare.

Dreams have been argued to just occur, so they are like visceral organs while other researchers have proven that it's for our overall wellbeing as humans.

Psychologists and mental health experts have however been able to prove that dreaming helps alleviate depression and mood swings. But here’s the one-million dollar question:

Can I initiate dreams?

Some dreams can’t even be trusted. Some are too lucid. Others are just sheer imaginations and others drive you crazy.

I had a dream my grandmother died and after 2 weeks, my mom called that she had died. She wasn’t sick or anything.

So, I don’t know what you think about dreams but it’s another mystery left unsolved.

It’s another conspiracy to unravel. Or not. Maybe we should just let sleeping dogs lie.

Adebola Williams |#1 Brand Storyteller
Adebola Williams |#1 Brand Storyteller

Written by Adebola Williams |#1 Brand Storyteller

I won't be a better writer tomorrow if I stop writing today.

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