At the beginning of every new year, people make resolutions; set goals, write down targets they want to hit and hope that they would have a better year than the just concluded one. It’s a habit — that habit is hope. Humans are nature of hope! We daydream of a better world, better nations, better economies and better societies and those dreams fuel our hustle and our lives.
But not all these goals are met, some of these resolutions do not even make it to the third week in the new year and ‘reality’ dawns on people like the sun breaks a day, they put hope aside and put in as much work as they. Some resume to status quo. They move on with their default setting from the previous year forgetting that it’s insanity to keep doing a thing the same way expecting different result.
The new approach is TRIBE2020 and that was where I and some other young Nigerians spent most of their day at on the 25th of January, 2020. Weekends are usually for #owambe in the city of Lagos but few people chose to invest their time in the direction of the exploits they are ready to do in the new year. When I first came across the flyer on LinkedIn, I didn’t get the entire gist but I knewI wanted results in the new year. I saw a few of my connections share the flyer and said it would be value for one’s time. Even though, I am not a serial event attendee, I felt a need to be there. Like I needed Tribe2020.
Tribe2020 was a soulful event — rich, deep, nourishing, seasoned to taste from start to finish. It wasn’t an event for me, it was an experience. From the worship, the enlightening sessions, the people I connected with to an environment that made conversations possible; this was a holistic way to keep my eyes on the price.
It was my first time listening to Mr Jamie Pajoel, the CEO of Vantage Consulting who also happens to wear many other hats. He spoke on RESULTS; which is what we are all searching for. Effort is common to men, everyone is trying at something. People are working their head off daily to have something to show but not many people have results. I believe what brought everyone to Tribe was the search for results — a life that proofs you know your onions, are connected to the right people and you’re as valuable as you seem.
He helped us see how a lot of us need to transform our approach. He asked a question that made me pause, look through my life experiences and an archive of dreams that haven’t seen fruition; he asked:
What do you want in life?
“You have to know the answer to that question. The world we live in is operating on intellectual capital. If you know how to do a thing, your impact will increase, your influence will grow and income will flow in.” Mr Jamie said.
He enjoined us to start a #30daychallenge where we would fix our minds on a particular challenge we’re faced with in our individual lives and think on it for 30 days. Think, reflect, break it apart, get knowledge on it! I already started mine.
Mr Jamie Pajoel challenged my thinking (and I say it without pride, I am not an average Nigerian millenial); he left me thinking about how I can harness my skills, build a structure and put systems in place to generate results in my own life.
The second session was #pepperdemgang and the ‘dem’ here is me and other attendees. Emotions Doctor made me so uncomfortable with the life I thought I had built. She woke me up from my convenient sleep; I thought I was doing well until she came to shine the light into my dark coccoon; telling me that I haven’t become a butterfly yet. I am a caterpillar, in my process of becoming. She unsettled my comfort, deadened by anxiety, gave wings to my dreams; strength to my heart and grit to my mind. It was an impartation.
It’s not just the things she said but how she said, the relatable examples and experiences she used in driving her points home and the way she drew everyone listening in into her mature and result-filled life.
She talked about real life principles that will help anyone who wants to do exploits. And today, Jimi Tewe was in my church; he used the same text she used in teaching today.
Daniel 11:32b — ‘Those that do know their God shall be strong and shall do great exploits”. No more ‘jekojeko’ christians; one of the highlights of a christian life is results.
She has energized me to know God for myself; be intimate with Him. And that’s exactly my agenda for the year:
Spirit+Skills+Strategy+Structure = Results.
At Tribe2020, I was reset to factory settings. My heart was opened and my mind was downloading the relevant information and inspiration both speakers had to share. I wrote. I am still writing. I read. I am still reading. And the best part? We’re going to continue growing and getting results as a community online.
Cheers to a grand year! This isn’t a chant of victory! It’s a declaration born out of revelation and information. I am walking the walk, talking the talk, putting my hands to the task.
I say a big thank you to Mr Jamie Joel, The Emotions Doctor and the entire team who made yesterday a day to remember.