One More Thing To Blame Your Parents For
Oooh! This is going to be some nasty short read.
Sex drive has been called a lot of things by poets and people who are ashamed to call a spade a spade — cravings, passion, desire, lust, etc. It’s 2020! I think we’re too woke to pretend that we don’t think about actual sex.
I’m not going to be giving you any statistics in this read because that would go against every thing this series is about and also because I don’t want to put you in a box of numbers, know what I’m saying?
So, I don’t know how many times a woman or a man thinks of sex per minute or what drive those thoughts and why it differs from person to person. Google those ones, commando!
As for me and my sometimes raging hormones, we will serve the Lord. Amen?
Welcome to Episode 3 of One Thing You Don’t Have to Know. I hope you’ve been enjoying this series. You can catch up on episode 1 and episode 2 if you haven’t read yet.
Today, we’re learning if the rate of ‘kongi/konji’ we feel might be another thing to blame our parents for.
This is the summary of the information scientists have been able to gather:
Your high sex drive or its lack thereof is primarily a genetical thing. Then environment and nurture plays the secondary role.
Science is inconclusive in a lot of things, you know right? Imagine the pandemic going on right now, there’s no sharp solution to it other than hand and sneezing hygienes. Like, how much washing of hands is too much that it even endangers my life? Let me move on.
They have observed that people with high libido inherited a particular kind of dopamine (that pleasure gene thingy) from their parents.
So, it doesn’t matter whether these people are exposed to sex early or have a steady supply of sex buddies, they are naturally disposed to always want to get some action.
Nurture is the second thing I want to stress on. This scientific inconclusive finding isn’t reason to act like a ho, yeah? Nurture your mind. It’s sex, not oxygen. Breathe instead. Get help.
This also goes for you if you think you don’t have enough sexual charisma. Don’t rescind into your shell. Get help. Everything’s gonna be fine or not. I don’t know. I’m not a sex therapist.
And more importantly, call your folks and blame them for giving you one more thing to worry about.