Nature & Culture Shared a Joke
Being a 90’s baby has its perks even eons away from the decades we were born in.
90’s babies, [well me], cherish a lot of the human values and systems they were born into and at the same time are very open-minded to find answers to the questions they feared to ask as kids, unashamedly show their disgust for the rules that were pillars in every unit and to see how they can be part of the solution especially for the coming generation. I get asked those weird questions about marriage, children and my body, and usually, I get asked at the most wrong moments.
Welcome to Episode 7 of One Thing You Don’t Have to Know, a series of 2-minutes read on different topics, thoughts and arguments that gets you interested on stuff you didn’t know you had the littlest inkling to get interested in.
Today, we are learning about Biological Clock.
Note that there are three words in that term:
Bio — I’m guessing it has to do with life;
Logical — qualifying reason;
Clock — a device that tells the time.
In simple terms, biological clock should be the time that qualifies for life to start happening, right? I thought I’d sound cool so I can get you to like me. I’m sorry, it’s my biological clock, humour is declining at my current age.
The biological clock is a bad joke between culture and nature and most times, it’s women who don’t get the punch line and are the victims in a conversation they weren’t part of. I’m sure if women were invited to that party, they would have contributed to the matter arising in their favour.
Men weren’t born with sperm and won’t form any until they reach puberty but women were born with all the egg cells they could ever have (yeah, thanks for all of that responsibility) but the quality of these eggs decreases with time (tick, tick, tock).
Nature says fertility reduces with age and culture says if you areclose to that age with no husband and some mini yous running around, SOUND THE ALARM, Your life sucks!
So, if you really want kids and a family and all of that sit-com stuff; you might factor in your biological clock into your plans. Doing this doesn’t mean you are unambitious or out-of-tune with the feminist community.
And if marriage or kids isn’t the dream for you, it’s only culture you have to deal with now cos’ you already told nature to sit her ass down.
And if you are culture, a.k.a society alias womb watchers; stop it. You’re an irrelevant system put in place because those who have the wombs get reminders every month and as they grow on how their bodies are changing. They don’t need an extra watch, #jooget?