Learning used to be fun for most of us but ‘adulting’ has made us streamline learning as a serious and purposeful concept. This series is created for only one purpose — to make learning not a big deal.
Just learn for the thrill or not the thrill. Learn for no reason at all.
In this series, you’ll learn one thing you don’t have to know.
Today’s focus is on farts.
Did you know that flatulence is the medical word for farts? You’re welcome.
This is one of the few things the rich and the poor, adults and kids have in common. Have you perceived a baby’s fart before? It can be so terrible that you’d want to run away and a full blown adult’s fart? Don’t get me started.
Farts are foul but we all have to do it. It’s a dirty way the body cleans up of excess gas from carbonated drinks (all ye coke addicts, don’t even fart near me), undigested food and some air that you swallowed while you were chewing your food.
It’s not a myth that certain food triggers farting but food affects us differently. While beans make some people gassier and release beats into the air, it has no effect on others. You have to be self-aware enough to know your “food gas-triggers”.
Did you know that coughing can also trigger farting? Some of the muscles involved in voluntary sneezing and coughing can help you release one.
Be careful when you’re coughing in public because you never know.
I also read that the average person is supposed to fart at an average of 15 times a day. You might not do up to 15 or more depending on the kinds of food you eat, drinks you take and how much carbs you took.
Did you also know there are minor gases? Not silent ones oh. Those ones you are actually unaware of.
Well, enough fart talk.
Tell someone about farts today.